Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Slurm- The Mini Synth Party Worm!

Slurm, the mino synth worm in his beautiful final form.

keyboard, oscillator allowing pitch change, and wave length.

His eyes light up in time with the tune played on the keyboard.

Yesterday we played around with Little Bits kits, in which I used the Synth Kit, a collaboration between Little Bits and Korg allowing you to create a number of different synth arrangements.
We thought about how to incorporate Little Bit Kits into workshops around schools to get children interested in electronics and circuits, numerous idea arose how to do this ins a fun way and to complete in a day during Summer. The idea of getting the children to make robots from various materials and working the Little Bits kits into their hand crafted robots.

Another was getting children to create mini synthesisers like my one above and then each creating a tune, combining each rhythm into a song and then if there was time, involving the children to make a music video to go alongside their song they created as a way to remember their work in a creative and fun way.

To test out these ideas, I combined making a robot and included it with lights from the Classic Little Bits kit to become his eyes and then connecting the Synthesizer keyboard and oscillator onto his back, hiding the battery pack under his cardboard body.

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